Saturday, July 26, 2008

Sanders and Capek Annual Art Exhibit

I was again pleased to have a successful showing with watercolour artist, Peggy Capek at the Saanich Municipal Hall during the first three weeks of July. For the past ten years we have made this an an annual event. Peggy is well know for her children's book illustrations. I squeeze my passion for photography into my busy life as a Saanich Councillor. Prior to my being elected to Council I had been on Saanich's Arts Advisory Committee for ten years. It was a pleasure as a Councillor to be the chair of the Arts, Culture and Heritage Committee.

Saanich has a vision that recognizes the value of culture in a healthy community. It offers artists many opportunites to showcase their work. The Municipal Hall has a display case and two galleries. The newest addition is the Gallery Cafe at the Cedar Hill Recreation Centre. In April and May, Artists are showcased during B.C. Arts Week with a Arts event the Cedar Hill Recreation Centre and a month of studio tours. Early in July the community had the pleasure of a fabulous display and sale of artist's works at "Gorge on Art". This a annual event that takes place along the full length of the Gorge Waterway.